Lots of my favourite reads have published articles on jobs of the future. No huge surprises with what is coming out, I wish I could be more creative to pose some crazy suggestions. It is already happening whereby people who have great admin experience have transferred these skills to managing peoples lives. Data storage, data filing etc. Wouldn't you love to have someone come into your house and clean up your hard drive or wherever you keep stuff? I've got files of photos, resumes, and goodness knows what else, lamely filed in different places. Along with that comes the supplement of papers, real photos (photo albums-remember these) filing cabinets full of warranties and paper stuff that I may never need or use.
What other employment opportunities will there be? The CMTO was mentioned at a recent marketing conference (Chief Marketing Technology Officer) with interesting possibilities. Technology and the environment have been the catalyst for most of the future thinking. So while their is an abundance of business journals and papers written summonsing the future of employment using careful research, analysis and real stuff, most of my own research has come from two great movies. My most favourite movie of all time is Gattaca and a more recent addition to my movie greats is WALLE.
GATTICA has been on my top favourite list for 13 years. Opportunities for jobs, DNA mapping, selling your urine, blood, etc - love it (cash jobs? what will we use for cash?). The best quote from the movie; Vincent I' ll never understand what possessed my mother to put her faith in God's hands, rather than her local geneticist. A greater emphasis on genetic counselling maybe? More recently WALLE emphasises the importance of waste management, the environment and health.
One fair assumption could be the career that has lasted for centuries may still be around in one form or another. Would prostitution and the sex industry be in demand for another 20 centuries?

GATTICA has been on my top favourite list for 13 years. Opportunities for jobs, DNA mapping, selling your urine, blood, etc - love it (cash jobs? what will we use for cash?). The best quote from the movie; Vincent I' ll never understand what possessed my mother to put her faith in God's hands, rather than her local geneticist. A greater emphasis on genetic counselling maybe? More recently WALLE emphasises the importance of waste management, the environment and health.
One fair assumption could be the career that has lasted for centuries may still be around in one form or another. Would prostitution and the sex industry be in demand for another 20 centuries?
Is there a career or job you would like to do in the future that may not be popular today?