Last Sunday I was reading the Body & Soul pull out from the paper and there was this great little piece called Fast ways to feel good. It was 5 basic points in The Wellness File by Marie Rowland http://www.talking-matters.com/talking/Profile.htm that was so common sense, though I’m sure not many of us stop to do. Being charitable is one of those things that I’ve always wanted to do more of, over the years I’ve looked into working for charities (only they didn’t pay enough), I’ve been involved with a group of friends who wanted to start up a project called Two Roads to raise money for infrastructure in Burma (Myanmar). We went so far as a business plan, consulting with World Vision and then we all got too busy and it didn’t bare fruit. When I was younger I volunteered my time at the YMCA, I have spent many years religiously donating blood (but not for the last few)

When it comes down to it Marie Rowland recommends “Even the smallest of acts, such as offering your seat on a bus can bring an unexpected feeling of pleasure. Helping others helps us feel worthy”
What charitable deed could you do today?
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