It would be extremely easy to talk about Australian politics right now. The day the party ousted their own, will they give her a make over, will she live at the lodge, will all the women of Australia vote for her cause she’s a arrr women? The First Female Prime Minister has taken her chair, but frankly I’ve already had my picture taken with the lady and have moved my thoughts on to bigger issues.
Well it’s been a while since my last post, because I’m still not loving my chosen design of this page. It’s not working for me! However, finally I have put finger to key board as I’ve now dug down to the real issue. It’s called busy mind syndrome. Don’t we all identify with this? Wow how exciting, a diagnosis for why I can start a project strong out of the gate, but this last week or two haven’t had much pace on the finish. This is particularly apparent on the home front. So thanks to BRW this month for moving me into action.
This month BRW has a fabulous article by Judith Tydd, outlining results from a study that may even have coined this phrase. Busy mind syndrome is defined as “a tendency to juggle multiple activities and multi-task” – every woman I’ve ever known – “and as a result, struggle to concentrate on one [individual] task”. Instigator and researcher, Martina Sheehan said people reported that on weekends there’s a real inability to focus on their kids. My hand is up as one of those. I want to be busy and it kills me to sit still and play with my child on the weekend. Could my child also have busy mind syndrome - he starts a puzzle, watches 10 minutes of a movie, wants a drink, and pulls out some toy cars, all in the time it takes me to put the kettle on. Hang on I forgot he’s only 2. So what’s my excuse? I need to move on from busy mind syndrome, the article recommends pausing for one minute before moving on to the next task. Well it’s time to pause and move this diagnosis into a treatment phase. I only hope our PM Julia doesn’t have busy mind syndrome.
What makes you feel like this?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Where have you taken a two year old for a holiday?
The time has come to start planning a holiday. When you really need some time out and it's not great for your mind and body to relax by pottering around the house. We have to get away from the temptations of cleaning, tidying and washing. But honestly where is good for a holiday with a 2 year old in the middle of winter? I started off looking at holiday's gone by. Would we want to travel to Europe, maybe go camping, or head far north for some sun and sand. None of this would be as easy now.
With a quick surf online I found a couple of resorts with kids clubs, mostly for 4 years and up and that was about it. The accommodation is tricky also with our son only just sleeping in his converted cot bed, where would we sleep him?

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Does a shorter shower really make a difference to the environment?
Happy World Environment Day. Not sure exactly what this means or how I can really make a difference. So I thought I'd boot up the computer, which is plugged in to four other things, thile the TV is blarring in two rooms and my three mobile phones are charging at the closest free power point.
Surely it's OK though because the utility companies are doing their bit, they've put up all their cost in hope to get us to be more concious. And I'm sure the extra profit they are making is going back in to researching better ways to make everything more sustainable.